Checking My Financial IQ with Avida Land’s My Path to Financial Freedom Journal

What better gift to receive than a present that can affect you on a long haul?

In my case, getting a special item from Avida Land that can help me aim better at my goals in life with the financial journal that the real-estate company custom-made, the Avida Land’s My Path to Financial Freedom.

Avida Land’s financial journal is a realistic approach on how anyone can make better decisions towards money – short and long term.



One key ingredient to financial freedom is planning to be a success. Failing to plan to be successful, definitely shrinks your chances of being a success to almost nothing.

Reading through Avida Land’s financial journal, is like reading a simplified and shorter versions of other money books – making it easier to understand, even for non-accountants like me.



The My Path to Financial Freedom journal takes into account that financial literacy equals the first step to be financially fit.

Taking into account 3 simple steps to know the financial standing that anyone is at at the moment by listing the ASSETS, LIABILITIES and computing the actual NET WORTH.

Knowing where you stand financial at present makes better judgment and a more realistic approach on how to get to your financial goals.

The journal suggests on how one can make a financial road map to get better results by simply applying S.M.A.R.T.

Specific – goals need to be specific. Vague goals can result to a far-fetched dream. Unlike making a specific goal that gives a define look at things.

Measurable – specifics give body to the goals and make it quantifiable – knowing how far you are from achieving your goals.

Attainable – reality check on your goals puts your feet back on the ground taking a more realistic perspective on your path to success.

Relevant – relevance keeps your choices intact to your goals and pulls you back to your pathway whenever you take decisions away from your goals.

Time-bound – putting a deadline on your goals, keep you on track on how you should be taking each decision towards your goals.


Knowing what you stand and knowing where you want to go, open the options on what possible instruments you can take to make the goals in realization like financial instruments, foreign exchange and real estate can beef-up your income.


Financial freedom cannot be achieved overnight, but starting it as early as possible and starting it NOW can make a big difference in your financial success. So in a gist, here are the bits of wisdom the Avida Land financial journal states:

  • Study your cash flow. Knowing the actual financial status you are at gives you a realistic perspective on your money matters.
  • Spend less than what you earn.  Saving can only be done if there is an overflow of net income.
  • Have discipline.  Financial freedom doesn’t come without a price. Discipline takes into a big chunk of the success.
  • Protect yourself.  Insuring yourself, your property and the things that can affect your finances both directly and indirectly protect you on any sudden and unwanted expenses.
  • Choose investments wisely. Investments
  • Leverage. Taking advantage of your good credit history can give a boost to any business or investment by getting wise loans.
  • Be Smart. Nothing can be truer than this. Financial freedom means knowing how to apply the right, system, instruments and people.

Having the Avida Land financial journal is like a tap in the back for me stating that I need to get back on track to where I should take to get to my financial goals – which is a good thing. 🙂

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